Creating a purpose driven #technology journey is the need of the hour. The 3E (Engage, Empathize, Empower) model of our #Research and #Innovation has really changed the way we solved several mystery points during these pandemic days. Today we try to incorporate all aspects of #accessibility tech in the solutions we deliver to ensure a full fledged #inclusive journey. The entire ecosystem of our lab along with multiple universities and support from NGOs helped us to #engage with socially relevant problems, #empathize and understanding the real pain points and finally #empower them with the right technology for value creation. Thanks to our partner and collaborators for helping us to create this meaningful journey. #accessibilitymatters #inclusion #Tata #tcsrapid #Tech4Good #diversityandinclusion #SocialInnovation #purposedrivenlife
Proud to be a part of the MaxEd -Times of India Industry-Academia Confluence 2020.
